San Diego CA

The Mennonite Business Conference

The 2025 Mennonite Business Conference will be held October 5th – 7th 2025 in San Diego, CA.

What the conference is:

  • A ton of experience- Chances are if you are facing something or have a question, someone else attending has had a similar challenge and can tell you what did or did not work for them.
  • New Friendships- Make new lifelong friends.
  • An Opportunity for Mentorship – We have brethren and sisters with experience in almost any area of business but it can be difficult to connect. The individual needing the help does not even know what they are missing and the one with the experience does not want to offer advice and seem like a know-it-all. At the conference friendships, form and everyone in the group feels equal, and these connections kind of just happen.
  • A way to be exposed to ideas you just never would have thought of on your own- Years later you will still be using some of the tools you learn about at the conference.

What the conference is not:

  • A place to discuss church guidelines or doctrine that you agree or disagree with- The MBC is open to all members and we encourage those who are interested to attend. Ideally, everyone should be able to listen to what anyone has to say without putting it through a filter.
  • A way to market to the other attendees- If you have a product or service and you think by attending you will come back home with a portfolio of new business, you may be mistaken.
  • A place for those who have been successful to come to hobnob and pat each other on the back- Most of the attendees come because they realize that no matter how long they have been in business, there still are areas where they can improve. The MBC does seem to be more heavily attended by those who have been in business for several years. Maybe it’s because business can be like parenting- the longer we are in it the more we realize how much we don’t know.

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